Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Whom to blaim

My Boss Says
In which century we are leaving, is it still a stone age concept hiding somewhere behind those stone- heart?


My name is Shams 45 years old(Shamsul Haque) Indian national, use to work for a private Dental Clinic here in Kuwait. Since last one year and half I am jobless, I cant work anywhere my sponsor is a very bad character cruel Boss he has bitten Nurses (you can see the image at left) and other staff right in the clinic in front of other staff, nobody can say anything all are afraid, he enjoys in torchering his staffs it seems it gives him inner satisfaction when he looks his staff is suffering and helpless. In his word “You are just like kitten from the wild; I give you shelter and money to survive” How brutal he is can be verified by a cover story published in local news paper Kuwait Times on 30th june 2005, because the story of “Dentist accused of abusive behavior”. Now he has lunge a false case against me, when I came to know that he has lunge the case of “Ran Away” (which is called Tagayyab) I mate him and asked him why did he do so, he answered me that “I did for my own benefit and this in nothing for you to worry about it is not a case” he told me that I should get a sponsor and get my sponsorship changed, he will withdraw the case. Again I asked him about the fine for the case period which is per day 87 US$ according to the labor law of Kuwait, he said that whatever it comes he will pay. When I try to inquire why did he do that, I found that the ministry of affair was asking my paid salary certificate as they do for all employee, he was not paying me for more than six months therefore his file was closed and he was not able to recruit new staff, only tow options remains for him either to lunge the ran away case or to pay my salary. though he has withdrawn the case after getting another sponserr and begging him for mercy showing that my 10 dependent including my parent will die buy hunger because no one is there to support them. But according to Kuwait labor law I have to pay fine 600 KD(around 2000) for the period from the case lunge till the date case was withdrawn.(which is impossible for me to pay without having a job) either I want to work somewhere or want to go back home. Though I have clear evidence that the case was forged but lowers advice me not to lunge any case against him till I get my new sponsor, because he could do more damage to me and my career, because he is famous dentist he comes on TV, graduated from Boston University. Though I got ne sponsor but changing sponsorship is also not possible unless I pay the fine amount to the government. Then only something can be done. I have my salary and indemnity around 5500 US$ which also he refuse to pay.

In this period of one and half year so many things have gone weird.

My father fallen sick he is over 75 and near to die crying on telephone wishing to se me one last time.
My children stop schooling because no fee to pay.
My wife became sick went to her father house living 6 children behind with my parent.
My Mother could not bear all this and she lost her mind and became mad.

If some one believes that I deserve help then please forward this link to some International organization for labor protection or who can help me out with this I don’t know what is going to happen in next few weeks or next few days with me, If I get cought in general checking on street they will put me in jail and then there will be nobody to raise this issue in front of any one and me and my career will die like thousands others like me without being noticed, I am very much concern about my old parent 6 children and a sick wife they all are staring at me with teary-eyed, helpless. Here I like to mention that the same thing happened in 1991 to me after serving 10 Years in Saudi Arabia. The sponsor (Andul Aziz Al-Owayyed) asked me to pay him commission and work any where I want, then he raised the commission after a while which I refused to pay he went complain to the police that I ran away from him, police caught me put me in jail, I showed them the prove of my innocence they tear them off and deported me back India without any thing but I am thankful to them that they let me go.
I also wrote to Hume rights but they says we do not deal with individual cases. Though every body knows that group made out of individuals.
I am planning to sue in International court, he has ruined my life and my career I wont let him go like this. there is lots of inhuman things about him which I like to say but I wont do it here because of your valuable time.

I am thank full to those people and organization writing me back showing there sympathy.

Keep visiting I will publish My Sponcer’s name address Phone and email soon on this page also it can be provided earlier in case some some organization wants to contact him.

He is Kuwait citizan Dentist Graduated from Boston University running his own Dental Clinics here in Kuwait.

MyEmail: shamskabra@hotmail.com

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